In 1916, Joel Hildebrand from the University of California at Berkeley, found that the solubility of helium is smaller than the other gases in any liquid. Based on these findings, helium is used as a mixture of oxygen for breathing deep-sea diver, replacing a mixture of oxygen - nitrogen, as in the air.

If divers using air (containing approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen), then the nitrogen will dissolve in the blood. This occurs because the solubility of gases in liquids is directly proportional to the pressure. 
As you know, the pressure at depths greater than surface pressure. Well, when the divers return to the surface, the nitrogen dissolved in the blood was coming out to form bubbles, much like the coca cola bottle is opened. This caused pain extraordinary known as the bends (bend, because people will bow because of pain). Bends can be prevented if used Natural mixture of helium - oxygen, because helium is less soluble in blood. In addition, nitrogen at high pressure will provide narkosa effect, which will affect the diver in taking decisions, so that accidents often occur due to carelessness.


  1. Harin said...
    jd bkn oksigen murni?
    yang g ada jwbnny d atas,knp hrs pake cmpuran?
    OSHI said...
    katanya sih, oksigen 100% malah bisa menyebabkan kematian, kecuali kalo untuk orang sakit, harus 100%.

    kalo gak pake campuran saat menyelam, O2 pada tekanan yang tinggi bisa menyebabkan keracunan (Oxygen toxicity) yang menyebabkan kerusakan sel2 tubuh.
    mamanager said...
    o...gitu tah...
    hla kowe ws tau nyelem durung Osh?
    mamanager said...
    tanda2 keracunan oksigen kaya apa Osh?
    dadi penasaran...
    OSHI said...
    aku yo rung tau nyelam ki.. lek ngimpi wes tau...
    mbuh pye keracunan oksigen kuwi, aku yo mung maca tapi ra ngerti..
    Harin said...
    ws tak bdek...
    Jeffry said...
    G mudeng artinya boz,, knp g pake B.indonesia aja?? g bangga ama bhs sndiri y?? :@
    OSHI said...
    kan uda saya suruh pake google translate... saya pake english biar traffic ke blog ini naek.. menurut pengamatan saya, trafic dari luar negeri kebanyakan ke tulisan2 yg english..

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