Bats are not the dirty, bloodthirsty monsters that are portrayed in vampire films.
These animals groom themselves carefully likes cats and only rarely carry abide. Of the hundreds of species of bats only three rely on bloods meals. In fact, the majority eat fruit, insects, spiders, or small animals. They consume an enormous number of pests, pollinate many varieties of plant life, and help reforest barren land by excreting millions of undigested seeds.

Almost all bats use echolocation to navigate, especially at night. As they fly, they emit a series of high-pitched squeaks at the rate of about fifty per minute. As these signals bounce off object in their path, an echo is detected by the bats’ sensitive ears, and they undertake corrective or evasive action.

It is a little-known fact that bats are highly social creatures. Thousand of individual bats may belong to a colony, hanging upside down in caves or in guard the entrance to their caves, others may scout for food, and still others may warn the colony of approaching danger.


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